
Being swept down the shore of life by the waves of God's grace, ending up a bit farther along than we ever thought possible.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Henri Nouwen and The Fullness of Time

I love to read. When I read I feel like I am having a conversation with the author and am able to respond and react to what he is saying. It helps me to go places in my mind and to figure out what I think about things. So, on this blog, I'll be posting quotes and synopses on the many books, articles, etc. that I am interested in at the time.

I read this last night from a book of collected writing from the late Catholic spiritual writer Henri Nouwen. I thought that it was helpful in valuing each moment and being open to experience what God has for us in Jesus Christ:

Jesus came in the fullness of time. He will come again in the fullness of time. Wherever Jesus is, the Christ is, time is brought to its fullness. We often experience our time as empty. We hope that tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year the real things will happen. But sometimes we experience the fullness of time. That is when it seems that time stands still; that past, present, and future become one; that everything is present where we are; and that God, we, and all that is have come together in total unity. This is the experience of God's time. "When the completion of the time came (that is, in the fullness of time), God sent his Son, born of a woman" (Gal. 4:4), and in the fullness of time God will "bring everything together under Christ, as head, everything in the heavens and everything on earth" (Eph. 1:10). It is in the fullness of time that we meet God - Henri Nouwen.

When I meet with Christ, time reaches it's fullness. This goes along with a verse I have been meditating on lately: "Those who look to him are radiant. Their faces are never covered with shame" Psalm 34:5. If we look to Jesus, we radiate the beauty, grace, peace, and presence of God. Our lives are given meaning and fulfillment. The mundane is charged with His glory and purpose. When Jesus is involved, our lives become worth living. Our shame is taken away because we are forgiven and made new. The old has gone, the new has come. Cool stuff. Truth to build a life upon.


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