
Being swept down the shore of life by the waves of God's grace, ending up a bit farther along than we ever thought possible.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Political Testiness

It appears as though the liberal disdain for the conservative win in the election has become even more heated. The Washington Times reports that liberals in the blue states are considering seceeding from the union because they do not want to live in the same country as the homophobic, redneck, Jesus-loving morons in the red states. How do true Jesus followers speak to such hatred? What can we do to represent the way of Jesus and bring reconciliation, while standing up for what is right locally and globally? When people hate us, how do we withstand their attacks and still love and forgive? Unfortunately, evangelical Christians are now almost totally identified with the Republican party. I did vote for Bush because of some key issues, but that does not mean that my faith in Christ is fully connected with every issue that Republicans stand for. I actually do not agree with everything that Republicans do, nor do I agree with every way that Christians express their beliefs. It seems as though we are in a time where everyone wants to shove everyone else into one camp or another. I think that this is why Jesus told us not to judge one another (I think that he is talking here more about motives than actions. We have to judge each others actions - they are verifiable. But, we cannot judge each other's motives, thoughts, or heart. Only God knows that). We never really make good judgements, and we are, in fact, trying to take over God's job. I have enough to worry about without that.


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