
Being swept down the shore of life by the waves of God's grace, ending up a bit farther along than we ever thought possible.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Why talk about politics?

O.K. I've been writing a lot so far about politics, especially concerning the recent election. As a follower of Jesus in the American South, it seems that we are all expected to rest squarely in the Republican camp on everything without really thinking about it. In reality, I disagree. Jesus' ethic is beyond political parties or the "left" or "right". He teaches us to live by an ethic that is beyond this world and beyond compromise or expediency. Yes, I am pro-life, but that extends not just to abortion, but also to our views on international behavior, poverty, education, healthcare, etc. I am opposed to the gay agenda, but that means that I am also consistent on my views on sexuality when it comes to heterosexuals within the context of marriage. I am pro capitalism, but I believe that corporations should be responsible with their employees, products, and business practices. I am for small government, but the really needy should be given a proper life boat in times of need. I am for personal responsibility, but in a society where health care costs could absolutely destroy a family if one child gets sick, I think that we should provide some form of health care for those in need. I am for lower taxes, but we all should contribute in an equitable way for the common good, including education, infrastructure, public works, defense, etc. In other words, I am a conservative, but I hope that I am a responsible conservative that sees the needs of others and cares enough to lend a hand. I hope that my concern for the environment goes beyond my concern for the profit margins of industries that are big polluters. I hope that I reflect Jesus in my political and social view a whole lot more than a certain political party. I hope that my connection to Christ will trump whatever blind support I am expected to give to one party or candidate or the next. I hope that Chrisitians will follow scripture and take stands that are consistent rather than just grasp for power like everyone else. I hope we'll use some sense . . .


  • At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I want to expand on your statement of personal responsibility. I think that there is not enough being said about people being responsible for their own actions. We start making our own decisions as teenagers and young adults that affect the rest of our lives. Some make good decisions some make bad, most a little of both.

    Most people that are without basic needs in our country today are in these situations because of bad decisions made as young adults ie, dropping out of school getting involved with drugs and/or alcohol commiting crimes and so on.

    Don't get me wrong we all make mistakes and have had to depend on family and friends to get us out of situations caused by these mistakes but sooner or later we must as individuals be held responsible for our actions especially if we continue to make the same mistakes over and over.

    Expecting goverment to continue to support these individuals for their continued lack of responsibility is completely wrong. Most of the programs that are provided to these people are paid for from taxes from hard working individuals that have made the right decisions and become productive citizens.

    Any tax dolloar that is spent on programs that support people that are currently on drugs, alcoholic or unwilling to work punishes those who work hard, many which are having a hard time providing for their own families.

    I agree that children need to be taken care of but their are numerous orginizations and churches that will take care of any child that is in need of anything.
    Most of the time the parents do not take the time to make sure that their children are taken care of.

    Alan don't fall into the mindset that Goverment and taxes are the answer to the need of any of societies

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Alan Cross said…

    I remember being in a housing project sharing Christ with people a couple of years ago and a couple of little girls wanted to walk around with our team. They were 7 and 8 and were really sweet little girls. As we walked and prayed with people, they joined us, bowed their heads and were wonderful. When it was time for us to leave, we decided to walk them back to their apartment. We went to the back door to tell the mother that we were back. A wave of marijuana smoke wafted out of the house. The mother did not know that her daughter was gone. I walked away from that wondering what chance the little girl had to not get pregnant by the time she was 13 because she did not ever have a father or any other man show her real love and she went looking for it the only way she knew how. Unfortunately, the cycle continues generation after generation and the government has not been able to stop it. I totally agree.

    My own situation growing up consisted of having to live off of our father's disability because he was disabled when I was 8 years old and my sister was 5. He had worked for many years very hard, but had a degenerative back condition that required 4 surgeries. He presently has rods in his back and is in constant pain. If not for government assistance through Social Security, we would not have made it. How many senior citizens are cared for from government assistance? Certainly, churches do little to help people in these circumstances, and although we were very active in church, we received no help of any kind.

    My point is, government does play a role, especially when the vast majority of churches have no interest in helping people financially. I am probably one of the most conservative people politically you will find. I have always voted Republican because of issues like abortion, and now gay marriage. However, I do not want to be blind in my support for a political party. My allegiance is to Jesus and at whatever point a political party deviates from that, I need to be aware and use discernment. I DO BELIEVE that people need to be responsible for themselves and have actively tried to help in that area for several years now. I am just saying that our positions need to be holistic and we always need to see the bigger picture. Jesus teaches us that.


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