
Being swept down the shore of life by the waves of God's grace, ending up a bit farther along than we ever thought possible.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

What a Week

Wow. I just had one of the busiest weeks in at least the past month! I started it with a cold on Sunday while we were practicing for the Christmas play. Monday was a long day, but really great - our small group met at a home waaaaay outside of our main town and about 20 of us trudged up there. I talked about how the Kingdom of God is more like a party than anything else, and often when we get together it seems that way!
On Tuesday, I had a couple of meetings and that night, a group of us from around the city continued meeting to form a young adults gathering. We are trying to come up with a name for a coffeehouse/emergent gathering for 20-30 somethings from all over the city from many churches. We are gaining a good start, but our creative process got stuck the other night. Fortunately, we have made some progress since then on our blog.
Wednesday, I met all day with a ministry that I have served on the board for called Military Missions Network. I actually resigned from the board that day for a whole host of reasons that aren't worth getting into here, but I hope and pray that they do well and are very successful in all that they do. It was a real growth experience to work with them in the design of the network. I learned a ton and am really thankful for them bringing me along. Godspeed to you, guys, I wish you the best!
Thursday was filled with meetings all day and we had dinner with a really great family that night, from which I actually got a free haircut! Outstanding.
Friday, I got to see the play, Fiddler on the Roof with my wife and another couple at an old playhouse here in town. It was a first rate production from a touring company from New York. It was incredible! I was not familiar with the play, but the interaction between the "Tradition" of the old world and the innovations of the new was really enlightening. It really spoke to me about how life is meant to be a celebration lived out among family and friends. Love seemed to be the motivating factor bringing about the changes, but I don't know if it always makes everything better. Sometimes we lose more than we think when we change.
Saturday, I got a phone call from my best friend in Germany. He is a captain in the Army and we grew up together. I saw him this summer when I went to Europe and I found out that he is coming home over Christmas, so we should get to hang out then. I'm really excited about that.
So, I'm still trying to get into this blog thing. I'm enjoying it, but when you have really busy weeks like this one, it is hard to make time. But, as I look back, I praise God that He let me experience the things that I did. The conversations, the laughter, the celebrations, the sadness that comes from loss. Even though it was busy and I had a cold, I felt alive. I was contributing to the tapestry of the experience of the human race. Thank you Lord for letting me breathe. Thank You Lord for letting me see you in the magnificent and the mundane.


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