
Being swept down the shore of life by the waves of God's grace, ending up a bit farther along than we ever thought possible.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Searching for God Knows What

I am reading a really great book right now by Donald Miller called Searching for God Knows What. I just read a chapter called "Adam, Eve, and the Alien." Alien? What the heck? you might be asking yourself. No, this is not some strange theory about Adam and Eve being aliens. It asks the question, what would an alien think if he came to earth and saw us in our fallen state? What would he find unique about us?

Miller suggests that the one thing that is really unique about the human race is that we are all trying to compete with one another to establish some hierarchy of worth, beauty, skill, wealth, athletic ability, etc. All of our lives are spent trying to be better than others so that we can fill this void that was created when we left God. He was supposed to fill the void with His approval so that we would be free to love others and to care for others. Unfortunately, a result of sin is that we run everywhere trying to get affirmation by exalting ourselves or hoping that others will love us and tell us that we are worth something. The "something" ends up being that we hope we are worth more than others, but that is assurance is fading because we will never top the ladder.

I really struggle with this, as do all folks, I guess. I am constantly measuring myself against some standard and I am constantly finding myself falling short. I compare myself to others and hope that I come off respectable and honored. I so want others to think well of me, or not think of me at all - but, whatever it takes, don't criticize! Your criticism just affirms that there is something wrong and we spend our whole lives trying to mask our nakedness with the fig leaves of success, accomplishment, beauty, friends, competence, relationships, wealth, etc.

Jesus calls us to come out of hiding, however, and to receive our healing. He came to set us free from the bondage of trying to heal and satisfy ourselves. Newsflash: we cannot fill the void and no one else can fill it for us! Only God can fill it because we were created to be in relationship with Him. Our sin stands in the way of that because we choose other things and we cannot return to God on our own. Jesus took all of that on himself and makes the way open for us to receive forgiveness, healing, and satisfaction in our relationship with the Living God if we just trust Him. I am so glad that I do not have to compare myself to others and that I can be free to be the person God created me to be! All that really matters anyway is my relationship with Him and how I love others through the love and strength that He gives.

Anyway, read Miller's book - it really rocks! It would make a great Christmas present for someone who maybe wants to know God but doesn't really know how.


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