
Being swept down the shore of life by the waves of God's grace, ending up a bit farther along than we ever thought possible.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Happy New Year

Well, 2004 is ending. Time is travelling so fast. This has been an incredible year full of ups and downs, triumphs and struggles, success and failure, joy and pain. I guess every year is like that because that is really what life is about. I praise God for my incredible wife who blesses me so much with her love, grace, and understanding. She has given me so many wonderful gifts, including three beautiful children and a couple of amazing trips this year to Europe and India. I praise God for my children as well. My life is so full because of them. They bless me in ways I could never express. God is truly good.

I also praise God for my church. We have had some interesting things happen this year with our pastor leaving after 15 years. It has been difficult and times, but also exciting to think where God might be leading us next. He will lead us and guide us and I am excited about the future.

I thank God for my family - my father, my sister and her husband, my mother and her husband. Our family has been broken up over the last couple of years and it has been really hard on me to see that. I love my parents a great deal and they have suffered so much over the years. I wanted better things for them, but I am resigned to what has happened and I pray the best for them throughout their lives. My Dad is going through a really hard time right now, but I am trusting God to see him and the rest of our family through it.

I don't know what 2005 holds. If it is up to me, things probably won't go well because on my own I don't have much of a success rate. So, once again, I am going to trust the Lord to do things in my life that I cannot do. I pray that God gives us great grace, peace, and mercy. I pray that He lives His life through us in a way that I never could. I pray that many people are blessed through our lives as we give more than we receive. I pray that I see Jesus this year in a new and powerful way, that I be the husband, father, son, and pastor that I need to be for the people that I love so dearly. God, have mercy and help me in all things live the life that you have for me. You are so good.


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